The Holding Pattern
For those of you that are in a "holding pattern" right now.
We moved to Texas so that my wife could go back to school so that she could get closer to her dream of being a medical missions doctor. During this time in Texas she has been a full time mom, full time student, full time homeschooling teacher, and many times a full time cook, cleaner, and wife. I watch the kids while she is at school, then I travel on the weekends. Obviously it has been a challenging season for us, but especially for Christine. I have been super proud of her, watching her sometimes only get 4 hours of sleep a night and still acing tests, studying for hours, spending time with the kids, cleaning up after the hurricane that is children, driving 120 miles a day, etc.
This season has also been challenging for me as well, in a different way. I've set aside most of the pursuits in my life during this season so that Christine could pursue the things she feels God leading her into. I've never been in a season of life where there are so many things I feel the need to accomplish, but can't due to my first job being taking care of the kids. I have been in a "holding pattern" where I feel the pull of wanting to do the many things that are on my heart, but needing to do what is in front of me instead. I am exactly where I need to be, but it doesn't always feel like it. Over and over God has had to remind me what my priorities are in this season, and refocus me on what we set out to do. In four months Christine will graduate, this season will shift, and many of the things I have been wanting to do will be started on; writing a new book, making more teachings available, connecting with leaders, traveling more, etc.
Some of you are in a "holding pattern". You may or may not know why you aren't being released yet, or what the reason for it is. All you know is that you have God-given desires to create something and release something to the world but those dreams and desires just don't fit the current season you are in. God is saying that is ok. He is still ordering your steps. Just do what is in front of you to the best of your ability and know, really know, that God will release you in the correct time. He isn't keeping you in a holding pattern because you have messed up or because you have fallen out of His will or because His favor isn't upon you. You haven't missed the timing of God or are being punished for something. He has you where you are at because it is the best way for what you have been praying for to come to pass. He is priming you for the things you are going to do, so make the most of this season by not second guessing where He has you, but rather embrace it with hope, knowing that He will usher you into the next season where you will be released. Because you have huge dreams and goals it is easy to miss the fact that there are seasons where expanding the Kingdom looks like sweeping the floor. Make the most of this time by not questioning the season you are in, but being thankful in the midst of it, realizing that God is and has given you exactly what you have wanted.
If you have supported us during this crazy time, whether by prayers or financially, we are grateful. Love you guys.