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Shaking A City

Hello people that we love!

This is the first update from One Glance via blog. The purpose of these updates is to edify you through fresh testimonies, let you know what we are up to, and most importantly, keep in touch with our family! Jesus said that His family wasn’t particularly those that He was related to, but those that hear the word of God and obey it. Therefore, you are our family! We love you a lot.

For those of you that don’t know, Christine and I have been thrown into itinerant ministry in the last year by the Lord. We never sought after this type of ministry, but just found ourselves doing it. We also found that it is a lot of fun.

On Feb. 9 God told us to get an official name for our ministry. I didn’t know why this was needed, but did it anyways. It turned out that with speaking engagements and a book being published it was needed after all. That brings us to the present.

I was just ministering in The Dalles, Oregon. Some amazing things happened while we were there.

Just after arriving in the city, I was in my hotel room seeking God and resting before the meeting. I laid down on my bed only to be woken up by my bed shaking a few minutes later. I went through the quake that hit central California in 1989, and this shaking I was experiencing gave me the same odd feeling of uncertainty that the 89 quake gave me. I disregarded what I was experiencing, and wrote it off to me jumping to conclusions. I rationalized that the shaking must have been caused by some kind of machine going awry on the floor below me, though I couldn’t hear anything that sounded like a machine malfunctioning.

This shaking happened to me three more times in the next hour. Finally, I got up from the bed and went out on the balcony to see if there was someone in the room below me causing my room to shake. There wasn’t anyone in that room. I called my spiritual dad, who was at a store in the same city, but he didn’t feel a thing. I called my wife (who was in a different state), and she didn’t say that she felt anything. So, I didn’t think much of the shaking, went into prayer, and made my way to the meeting.

The meeting went well. I spoke on stewarding the Presence of God. A couple of highlights: a man with a pelvic bone that had been broken in three places through an accident got completely healed, and could lift his leg again. The muscles had healed wrong, as did the bone, and it was impossible for him to lift his knee towards his chest...till God healed him. He was totally restored. A young woman that had been raped by her father decided to forgive him for what he did. It was quite an emotional moment to say the least. Her countenance was totally different after she forgave him. We must remember that we lead others to forgive those that have wronged them not just because God tells us to, but for the wounded person’s well being. You can’t really be happy, healthy, or at peace when you carry unforgiveness. People must forgive for THEMSELVES if nothing else. One woman suffered from constant headaches. After prayer the headaches ceased for the first time in years. Other things took place; people felt the tangible Presence of God for the first time, confirmations on people’s destiny, etc.

After the meeting and ministry time I went back to my hotel and flipped on the news. Turns out that there had in fact been earthquakes in the area, starting at the time when we arrived in the city. I pondered in this for quite sometime.

The Bible says that everything that can be shaken will be shaken. This can actually manifest literally in the natural, and it is one reason why Jesus talks of earthquakes in Matthew 24. It is no coincidence that this shaking started at the same time we entered the city. A true clash of two kingdoms is usually manifested in the natural, and is a sign to those that believe. I believe that principalities tremble in fear when kings of the King come into an area that is still under his demonic management. He trembles because he is about to lose his land. And I’m all about handing out eviction notices. The earth groans and waits for such a time as this.

I have heard of other bizarre manifestations in the natural realm when light and dark collide; snow in the desert, hail the size of golf balls in the heat of the summer, literal fire starting out of thin air, storms, etc.

I want to be a man of God so grounded in my identity in Christ, so convinced of the authority that He has bought for me, so filled with the tangible power and love of God, that the earth literally shakes wherever I go. I want to have my life situated in such a way that signs follow me, whether I’m in Safeway, the prayer room, or India.

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